Monday, October 6, 2008

BlogBlast For Peace Is Here ~ November 6, 2008 (How To Get Your Peace Globe!)

**UPDATE** Join us November 4, 2012 for this year's BlogBlast4Peace.  We hope to see you there. Welcome to the 9th launch of BlogBlast For Peace aka Dona Nobis Pacem in the blogosphere.'s what happened in 2008.

Welcome to BlogBlast For Peace - The Fifth Launch! Dona Nobis Pacem in the blogosphere is upon us again. These three Latin words which literally translate "Grant Us Peace" have become a mantra for an incredible dialogue and exchange of ideas that happens twice a year. It has also become my hope that the simple words we find scrawled on the face of our peace globes and blogs sink heavily into our hearts and collective consciousness to infuse and ignite us, as a people with a voice for change and a vision for peace. And then, one day soon, they will spill over into new territories, stepping off the blog page alone and inspire us to action in our homes and communities. It's already happening.

Dona nobis pacem is not just for the blog galaxy - it's for my everyday life - and an ever present part of the evolution of change I hear in my own personal mantra of choices and beliefs.

In June we began a Revolution of Words.

In November 2008 let's continue the revolution and begin an evolution....

one in which the power of our words manifests intrinsic change and expands our compassion for and understanding of people everywhere,

dictates a respect for diversity,

and calls me - and my neighbors -

to a place of peace.

That is the hope I have for myself. It is my hope for you.

If words are powerful....then this matters.

The History: The Peace Globe project began in the fall of 2006 with a simple post from this blog. The post ignited a flame in the blogosphere. The flame became a passion. The passion became a movement. It amazingly traveled from blog to blog across the globe until it has now reached 38 countries nearly every state.

Papa's Marbles ~ How It All Began
The Silence Of Peace
BlogBlast For Peace #1 November 2006

BlogBlast For Peace #2 June 2007
BlogBlast For Peace #3 November 2007
BlogBlast For Peace #4 June 2008

It happened on my blog. It happened on your blog. It happened all over the world. It is positively inspiring to watch. The simplicity of three Latin words on a globe and bloggers writing amazing articles on what peace means to them.

Simple. And powerful.

Visit the official gallery and find your official number! There is a post dedicated to each peace blogger with a links back to your blogs.

On November 6, 2008 bloggers from all across the globe

will blog for peace.

We will speak with one voice. One subject. One day.

How To Get Your Peace Globe

Here's how to do it in 4 easy steps!

  1. Choose one of the four Peace Globe designs shown below. Right CLICK and SAVE in JPG format.
  2. Sign the globe using Paint, Photoshop or a similar graphics tool. Decorate the globe anyway you wish. You can even include the name of your blog. Click here for hundreds of inspiring examples from previous BlogBlasts.
  3. Return the peace globe to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at and sign the Mr. Linky below. Let me know your blog's name and url by leaving a comment here. Your submission will be numbered and dated in the official gallery . Your globe and post will be listed on the Official BlogBlast For Peace website and The Peace Globe Posts page.
  4. On November 6, 2008 DISPLAY YOUR GLOBE IN A POST. Title your post "Dona Nobis Pacem" - Latin for "Grant Us Peace". This is important. The goal is for all blog post titles to say the same thing on the same day. Write about peace that day or simply fly your globe. Click here for examples of peace globe posts from previous BlogBlasts.

If I believe that words are powerful......then this matters.

Widgets,Badges and Information! Please grab one!

Choose a color, size and style for your blog. If you have trouble with the code or size please write and I will help you.

Countdown Widget

November 6, 2008 at Mimi Writes

November 6, 2008
Get your own peace globe at Mimi Writes


LESS PRISSY for the guys (or gals)

November 6, 2008
Get your own peace globe at Mimi Writes

Complete Alphabetical List of Peace Bloggers

Attack Cats,Fiona & Ali!/div>

Baby Mao Smells Of Poo

Dayngrous Discourse/div>


Last Minute Lyn's Life/div>

Mr. Hendrix The Kitty/div>

My Little Corner/div>

Sleeping Daisies/div>

The Life Of An Oregano Addict

A ticker!

Next BlogBlast For Peace NOVEMBER 5, 2009 ~ Visit for details! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Other Related Links: Sharing My Heart The Official Site of BlogBlast For Peace The Peace Globe Gallery

BlogBlast For Peace logo and concept is the sole property of Mimi Lenox. 2006-2008 copyright.

All rights reserved.


Copyright © 2008 Mimi Lenox. All Rights Reserved. If you are not reading this material in your feed reader or the url in the browser doesn't say, then the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.